Prince of Brittany artichoke with artichoke cream and grated truffle dips


Grated truffle
Thick cream

The idea with this dish is that you eat the artichoke leaves and heart by dipping them into the cream dip and then into the bowl of grated truffle.

The artichoke.
For each person you will need one large artichoke. (you will also need another half of artichoke for each person for the cream dip). The ones I suggest are Prince of Brittany, they have a deep rich earthy taste. Fill half way a large pot with water. Put in quarter of a white onion cut into two, 2 cloves of garlic cut in half and a little salt and pepper. Cook for atleast 1H30 turning the artichokes often so that they cook evenly and turn that beautiful tint of copper brown.
When cooked leave 15mins to cool. 

Artichoke cream dip.
Take 30g of the artichoke puree. Add 50g of thick cream and mix.
I would not season this any further as I prefer the pure taste of these two ingredients and the the truffle needs to dominate the palate.

Serve the artichoke warm with the cream dip and grated fruffle in separate bowls. I prefer a presentation on wooden slabs to give the dish a really convivial feel.

Dip in!